Register today for a free trial class, no commitment! Click register on the class you wish to try out and select trial while registering!

Flexible Class Options

Tuition is charged Monthly. Rates vary based on the amount of days you take per class.
Participants can select which days of the week per class they wish to attend.
$60/month = 1 Day/Week
$110/month = 2 Days/Week
$160/month = 3 Days/Week
$210/month = 4 Days/Week
Register anytime! We will prorate the price for you.

Sibling Discount

Sibling discount is applied to your total invoice:
2 : 10%
3 : 15%
4 : 20%

Multi-Class Discount Per Participant

Each additional class receives $10 off the tuition for the that class.

Registration Information

Click the “register” link near the class you want to enroll in or click here to register and enroll later.
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